The Movie
After a great success in Germany – now the engl. version!!
Four courageous people get coached on their very personal, real-life issues – on camera. The film shows well-known coaches using different methods in their work. Again and again they explain their approach and thus make their working methods transparent for everyone. A great enrichment for coaches and psychologists as well as for people who want to develop themselves further. The film gives you a very intimate insight into what coaching can do, what it can’t – and much more.
„This film is a small impulse giver and a big courage maker.“
Film release with English subtitles: November 2022!
Video Stream 48h
4,95 $
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The Coaches

Dr. med. dipl. rer. pol. Gunther Schmidt
Combination of systemic therapy and hypnotherapy
Founder & Head of sysTelios Clinic for Psychotherapy
Director of the Milton Erikson Institute Heidelberg

Sabine Asgodom
Betseller author on numerous coaching topics

Martina Schmidt-Tanger
Psychologist, pioneer NLP in Germany

Michael Löhner
Psychologist, Business Coach, Student of Rupert Lay

Bernd Isert
Psychotherapist, founder Metaforum

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Roth
Well-known brain researcher
The Clients

Single mother of 4 children, own high demands, pressure, excessive demands, burn out

Student, keeps putting off studying, threat of dropping out. Doubts, fears, blockade, future?

Leadership position, difficulties with personal attacks on the job, insecurity, reaction: impulsive, desire: serenity

Can push through anything for others – but for his needs it often doesn’t work. He wants to change that.
Simone Winkler
Joachim Jung
Jonnie Doebele
Simone Winkler
Simone Winkler
Color Grading:
Juan Galva
Rotorfilm Frühmorgen & Lehmann OHG
Sound Mix:
Dominik Rätz
Rotorfilm Frühmorgen & Lehmann OHG
Music Composition:
Mo Heidrich
Tsunami Music
Technical data
Length: 1h 34min
Format: 25p / Color
Sound: Dolby Surround
Language: German with English subtitles
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